Efene Introduction

This section describes the language through simple working examples, for a complete reference see Language Reference.

We will introduce the data types as we need them, but for a quick introduction let’s say that if you know what JSON is, which data types it support and how to read it then you know 80% of efene’s data types and syntax.

A Simple Function

Let’s start defining the simplest function ever, a function that receives no arguments and returns a number:

fn return_one
    case: 1

That’s the syntax to define a top level (or module level) function in efene, it starts with the fn keyword, then comes the name of the function as an atom (called symbols or keywords in other languages like lisp, scheme, clojure and ruby).

Then comes the case keyword, this keyword is there because in efene (as in erlang) a function can have more than one case depending on the value of its arguments and some conditions on those arguments.

In this case we have only one case, and since the function doesn’t take any argument it’s followed by a colon.

After the colon and until the end keyword we have the body of the function, in this case since it’s a simple expression (the number 1) we can write it in the same line as the case and the colon, but normally you would write it on the next line indented.

Notice that we didn’t have to write return to return the number 1, in efene the last expression of a block is the returned value, in efene (almost) everything is an expression, which means it returns a value.

So that’s a verbose way to describe how to define such a simple function, don’t worry, as we go along we will assume understanding on things explained before.

Variables on Function Arguments

Not let’s write a function that takes some arguments and does something, let’s make a function that adds two numbers:

fn add_two
    case A, B: A + B

It’s pretty similar to the function before but this time the case has two arguments before the colon, you may have noticed that they are uppercase, in efene (as in erlang) variables are uppercase or start with an underscore, words that start with lowercase are atoms, like the function name add_two.

Atoms are objects whose value is its name, you can find them in other languages like clojure, lisp, scheme and ruby sometimes with slightly different syntax.

Now back to our, function, it takes to arguments, A and B and returns A + B, no big deal right?

Like before we don’t need to write return, it’s implicit that the last expression of a block is the returned value.

A Function with Two Cases

I mentioned before that functions can have more than one case, and that the case that is executed depends on the value of the arguments and optionally on conditions of those arguments.

Let’s try our first function with two cases then:

fn bool_to_text
    case true: 'true'
    case false: 'false'
    else: 'not a boolean'

Again we have our function cases inside “fn <name of function> ... end” as before but now we have two cases, here the function takes one argument, which must be a boolean and returns the string representation for that boolean, if the value is not a boolean it will return the string ‘not a boolean’.

There are two things to notice here, first in the argument we can write values instead of just variable names as in most programming languages, that’s called pattern matching, each case is a “clause” that will only match and execute its body if the values match the patterns.

the last clause is an else clause, which we can write to match any value for the arguments but where we don’t care about those values, it’s kind of a catch all, clause. We use it to return when the argument is not a boolean.

Here is an alternative way of writing that function:

fn bool_to_text
    case true: 'true'
    case false: 'false'
    case _: 'not a boolean'

here instead of else we are writing a case clause that uses the special variable _ which in efene is used to express that we want to ignore that value.

We use the _ variable to be explicit that we don’t care about the value and to avoid a compiler warning about a variable being declared and not being used.

Same Variable in multiple Function Arguments

We just saw pattern matching and binding variables on the function argument list, but what happens if we write the same variable name in more than one argument in the argument list?

well, the same as it will happen in any other place, the first time efene sees a variable it is unbound, this means that if we try to match against it, it will try to make it match by making it equal to the value being matched, so now it’s bound to that value.

The second time it sees the variable, since now it’s bound, the process of matching both values will mean it will check if they are equal.

This allows for a really nice trick which is to check if two arguments have the same value, let’s try it creating a function that returns true if both parameters are equal:

fn two_are_the_same
    case A, A: true
    case _, _: false

Notice both function arguments have the same name A, so that case clause will only match if both arguments have the same value, then it will evaluate the case body and return true.

the next case uses the special variable _ that means “I don’t care about the value of this thing” and it’s used to match anything and return false for all the other cases.

As before we can use the else clause instead of matching with __, notice that efene is smart enough to match all the arguments in the function, this means the else is “expanded” to “case _, _:” so you don’t have to.

fn two_are_the_same_1
    case A, A: true
    else: false

Still, all the function case clauses that are not an else must have the same number of arguments or you will get a compiler error.

There’s still a third way to write this function which may surprise you, let’s see it first and later discus it:

fn two_are_the_same_2
    case _A, _A: true
    else: false

The arguments on the first case start with underscore but still they seem to be used to match the same value.

This is so because in efene (and erlang) the only “special” variable that can be used multiple times and can contain multiple values is _ any other variable, even if they start with an underscore are normal variables and will be bound the first time and matched thereafter.

So, why would I start a variable with an underscore if they work the same as normal variables?

There’s a reason, it’s for clarity and to avoid compiler warnings, the clarity comes from stating that you don’t care about the variable content but you still want to give it a name so the reader (normally you in the future) can know what that ignored variable is.

The second reason is that even if variables that start with an underscore are normal variables the compiler treats them a little different, if a variable starts with an underscore the compiler understands that you aren’t going to use it so it won’t raise a warning if the variable isn’t used.

But there’s still another way of writing this function:

fn two_are_the_same_3
    case A, B when A == B: true
    else: false

In this example the first case receives two arguments with different names but after the arguments we have the “when A == B” which is called a “guard” and is an expression that we can add to a case clause to do additional checks on the arguments of a case clause.

In this case we are checking that A is equal to B, but the guard can be much more complex.

One more thing..., those guards look a lot like if statements on other languages, can we use them standalone too?

well, yes we can, let’s rewrite the previous function one more time:

fn two_are_the_same_3
    case A, B:
        when A == B:

well, that looks really similar, isn’t it? you can use guards as kind of if statements but there’s a catch, since guards in functions must execute quick (you don’t want to slow down your function calls evaluating slow guards) and they also must be free of side effects (you don’t want two successive calls to a function to be different because some guard is doing something weird) the erlang VM only allows a restricted set of operations to be used in a guard, this means you can’t call your own functions in a guard, only a subset of erlang functions are allowed in guards, you can see a list of allowed operations in this Stack Overflow Answer.

If you want to use something more similar to an if statement then use a match expression and match against true and false (or against true and else), future versions of efene may introduce if expressions, but not before 1.0.

Putting it All Together

Let’s put all the things we learned about function definitions together in a simple example.

Let’s write a function that divides two numbers:

fn divide_two_unsafe
    case A, B: A / B

From the name (or from experience) you may have noticed that this function has a little problem, what happens if B is 0? well, in the erlang virtual machine this will raise an exception.

Let’s rewrite it to avoid raising an exception:

fn divide_two
    case _A, 0: (error, division_by_zero)
    case A, B: (ok, A / B)

Here we have to cases, the first ignores the first parameter (by naming it with an underscore prefix) and matches the second parameter with 0.

If this case matches then we return a tuple, which is a fixed sequence of values (you may know them if you come from python), where the first item is the atom error and the second item is an atom describing the error type.

You will see this type of return values in efene/erlang code, it’s normally called “tagged values”, where the returned value is a tuple with the first item specifying the type of return and the rest (normally just one extra item) containing the result for that type.

If the first case doesn’t match (in efene case clauses are evaluated from top to bottom, this means order of case clauses matters), then the second case will match and it will return a two item tuple where the first item is the atom ok and the second item is the result of the division.

Calling Functions (in other Modules)

Now that we know almost all there is to know about defining functions let’s call some, in this case functions in other modules.

Since efene follows erlang in almost every aspect, we also follow the erlang way of structuring code.

In efene functions are defined inside modules, and modules are only one level deep, this means you can’t have a module inside a module.

a module in efene is defined by writing top level functions inside a file with the .fn extension.

There’s a module that you will use frequently and it’s the io module

the most useful function it has is the io.format function

Let’s create a simple function that wraps the io.format function:

fn print
   case Text:
        io.format(Text ++ "~n")

The print function takes one argument, called Text, and prints it by calling io.format(Text ++ “~n”).

There are some new things to describe here.

First, function calls are done similarly to all algol-like languages:

function_name(argument1, argument2)

And so on.

Second, calling a function in another module is done also in a similar way than algol-like languages, by specifying the module and the function joined by a dot:

module_name.function_name(argument1, argument2)

Then there is the “~n” thing, first ~n is a control sequence that efene translates to a new line, in other languages you may use \n instead.

Second, only if you are really observant is that in this case the string uses double quotes and in an example before we used single quotes.

In some other languages like python and javascript this doesn’t make a difference since both single quoted and double quoted strings are treated the same, but in efene they are different, I will leave the details for the Language Reference but I will say that single quote strings are binary strings and double quote strings are list strings.

For now I will just say that most functions in the standard library expect list strings and will fail if binary strings are used.

With this clarification I can now talk about the ++ operator, which is the string concatenation operator, it works with lists and the result is the result of concatenating two lists.

But those aren’t lists, those are list strings you may say.

Well that’s the list part in list string, list strings are simply a list of numbers each representing a character, this means it’s really easy to operate on list strings with operations and functions that expect lists, the bad part is that it’s almost impossible to distinguish a list string from a list of numbers, that’s why sometimes we use binary strings.

It took a lot of text to describe what:

io.format(Text ++ "~n")

does, but now that we clarified everything we can sum it up with:

it calls the format function in the io module passing the result of concatenating the string contained in the Text variable with the literal string “~n” which contains a control sequence which io.format replaces for a new line.

A Function with the same Name but Different Number of Arguments

In efene to refer to a function you need to specify it’s name (if the module name is not specified it’s assumed that the function is in the current module) but also the number of arguments it received (normally called “arity” of the function).

This is needed since two functions in efene can have the same name but different number of arguments and they will be different functions.

To try this let’s define a new function with the same name as the one we defined above but with a different arity:

fn print
    case Format, Args:
        io.format(Format ++ "~n", Args)

Here we define the function print with arity 2, the first argument is called Format and it contains a string optionally with control sequences that io.format will replace for it’s meaning. The second argument is called Args and contains the values needed for the control sequences contained in the Format string.

So, what are this magical control sequences we talk about other than “~n”?

For a full list of them you can see the documentation of io.format:2.


Notice how I included the arity of the function in there? it’s a common practice in efene/erlang to refer to functions including its arity, you can see it on the left section on the linked documentation.

The one you should learn right now other than ~n is ~p, which means “replace this control sequence for the value provided in the Args list in this position”.

For example, calling

print("first argument is ~p second argument is ~p", [1, false])

will print:

first argument is 1 second argument is false

Many Ways to Call a Function

Let’s now see all the ways you can call a function in efene other than the common case where you write the name and arguments and optionally the module name.

Say you want to call a function dynamically, that is, some part is defined in a variable, how would you do that? let’s see:

fn dynamic_call
    @doc("this function shows all the ways you can call a function")
        Mod = lists
        Fun = seq
        From = 1
        To = 4

        R = lists.seq(From, To)
        R = lists.Fun(From, To)
        R = Mod.seq(From, To)
        R = Mod.Fun(From, To)

        F1 = fn lists.seq:2
        F2 = fn lists.Fun:2
        F3 = fn Mod.seq:2
        F4 = fn Mod.Fun:2

        R = F1(From, To)
        R = F2(From, To)
        R = F3(From, To)
        R = F4(From, To)

        Fn = fn case: lists.seq(From, To) end

        R = Fn()

        R = apply(lists, seq, [From, To])
        R = apply(lists, Fun, [From, To])
        R = apply(Mod, seq, [From, To])
        R = apply(Mod, Fun, [From, To])

        print("all calls returned the same result")

First you may have noticed the @doc thing after the function name and before the case clause, this is a function annotation, efene allows you to attach metadata to functions for many purposes like documentation, visibility outside the module, types and any other use you may think of, in this case we attach the docs for the function.

the function dynamic_call receives no arguments and calls the function lists.seq:2 in any way it can.

first the usual way:

R = lists.seq(From, To)

then using the Fun variable to provide the function name:

R = lists.Fun(From, To)

then using the Mod variable to provide the module name

R = Mod.seq(From, To)

then using both Mod and Fun

R = Mod.Fun(From, To)

Notice that all function calls match the result against the same variable (R) this is because all functions are the same function and hence return the same result, we are using the same variable to match and make sure all function calls return the same value.

If some call returned a different value efene would raise a bad match exception.

Now instead of calling the function let’s build a function reference, this is we hold a reference to the function in a variable which we can pass around.

Again there are many ways to get a function reference, in all of them we need to specify the module (optionally), the function name and the arity:

F1 = fn lists.seq:2
F2 = fn lists.Fun:2
F3 = fn Mod.seq:2
F4 = fn Mod.Fun:2

Like before we can use variables which hold the name of the module, function or both, now we can call the function with our function references:

R = F1(From, To)
R = F2(From, To)
R = F3(From, To)
R = F4(From, To)

We can also wrap the function in an anonymous function and assign that anonymous function to a variable, then call it:

Fn = fn case: lists.seq(From, To) end
R = Fn()

If we had the arguments to the function in a list we can also call the function dynamically using erlang.apply:3

R = apply(lists, seq, [From, To])
R = apply(lists, Fun, [From, To])
R = apply(Mod, seq, [From, To])
R = apply(Mod, Fun, [From, To])

That’s it, all the ways there is to call a function!

Some more Pattern Matching

If now we want to print the result of calling divide_two we can do:

print("result is: ~p", [divide_two(4, 2)])

Which will work but it will print the tuple directly, what we want to do is to pattern match against the result and print a different message depending if the result was successful or not.

For that we can define the following function:

fn print_div_result
    case (ok, Result):
        print("result is: ~p", [Result])
    case (error, Reason):
        print("error is: ~p", [Reason])

print_div_result is a function that receives one argument and has two cases, in the first it matches the tuple (ok, Result) and if it matches it will display the message “the result is ~p”, where ~p will be replaced by the content of Result (which was bound during the argument pattern matching process since Result was seen for the first time there).

The second case matches the tuple (error, Reason) and prints the message “error is: ~p”, where ~p is replaced by the content of Reason.

but what if we want to do this pattern matching in other places? do we have to create a function to do the pattern match?

luckily the answer is no, there’s a way to do pattern matching with multiple cases inside the body of a function, let’s see how by defining the same functionality as above but with a function with a single case clause:

fn print_div_result_1
    case A, B:
         match divide_two(A, B):
            case (ok, Result):
                print("result is: ~p", [Result])
            case (error, Reason):
                print("error is: ~p", [Reason])

in this case the function print_div_result_1, receives two arguments, which are the numbers we want to divide.

Then we use the match expression which calls divide_two(A, B) and matches the result of that against two clauses.

You may notice that the content of the match expression is the same as the content of the print_div_result function.

since pattern matching against tuples is so common in efene we provide you with a convenient syntax that will “unroll” the tuple for you in the case clauses without having to write the parenthesis yourself, let’s see a version that uses this feature:

fn print_div_result_2
    case A, B:
         match divide_two(A, B):
            case ok, Result:
                print("result is: ~p", [Result])
            case error, Reason:
                print("error is: ~p", [Reason])

As you can see parenthesis aren’t needed, if the case clause in a match expression has more than one argument then efene assumes you are matching on a tuple (since the expression in match can be only one).

This introduces a small “special case” (we don’t like special cases but we think this one justifies its existence).

if you want to match a tuple of one item in a match expression you need to write it explicitly, a small example to see why:

Value = (42,)

match Value:
    case (42,): ok
    else: wat

Value1 = 42

match Value1:
    case 42: ok
    else: wat

This is because if we assumed that a case clause with one argument inside a match expression was a one item tuple then we wouldn’t be able to match things other than tuples!

The good thing is that one item tuples isn’t a common thing on efene/erlang so you won’t need to use this special case that often.


If you need to apply operations to the items in the list efene provides the for comprehension, which is similar to a list comprehension (or a map operation if you come from more functional background).

The for comprehension will assign each item of the list to a variable and execute the block of code with it:

for I in lists.seq(1, 10):
    print("I: ~p", [I])

Notice that like almost everything in efene, the for comprehension is an expression, which means that it returns a value that can be used or assigned to a variable.

What value does it return? the accumulation of results returned by all iterations, in this case as in any other case, the results are the result of the last expression in the for block.

Take this into account if you are looping over a big collection and the last expression generates some big value, if you don’t use it you will be generating a huge list for nothing. If you want to avoid this, you can write a simple value like nil as the last expression in the for body.

Like everything else in efene you can write guards to restrict the values generated from the collection you are iteration over, for example, let’s skip the odd values:

for I1 in lists.seq(1, 10); when I1 % 2 == 0:
    print("I1: ~p", [I1])

In a for comprehension you can have one or more generators and filters separated by semicolons, here we can have more than one filter, let’s skip odd values and the number 8:

for I2 in lists.seq(1, 10); when I2 % 2 == 0; when I2 != 8:
    print("I2: ~p", [I2])

We can also have more than one generator, here we will generate two values and will print them only if thy are not equal:

for I3 in lists.seq(1, 4); J3 in lists.seq(1, 4); when I3 != J3:
    print("I3, J3: ~p, ~p", [I3, J3])

Catching Exceptions

Before we declared the function divide_two_unsafe,if we called it with the second argument being 0 an exception would occur, how do we handle that exception?

As is common in languages with exceptions there’s a way to catch them, let’s see how it works in efene:

    divide_two_unsafe(8, 2)
    case T, E:
         print("Error doing 8/2: ~p ~p", [T, E])

    divide_two_unsafe(8, 0)
    case T1, E1:
         print("Error doing 8/0: ~p ~p", [T1, E1])
    print("After division attempt")

    case E2:
         print("Error was: ~p", [E2])

First we call divide_two_unsafe(8, 2), which won’t result in an exception, this will return the result of the division, given that try/catch is an expression too in efene.

Then we call divide_two_unsafe(8, 0), which will throw an exception, the body of the try is followed by the catch keyword and after that by the already known case clauses.

In this case we can match against either one or two values, if we match against two values the first one will be the exception type (which can be throw, exit or error). If we match against a single value the type of the error is assumed to be throw.

We also can optionally provide an after section that will be executed both when there’s no exception and when there is, usually to do some cleanup like closing a file or a socket.

In the third example we use the builtin erlang.throw:1 function to throw an exception of type throw and we immediately catch it and print what the error was.

Arithmetic Operations

If you come from a mainstream programming language the arithmetic operations won’t be a surprise for you, here is a simple operation to illustrate them:

print("add ops ~p", [1 + 2 - 3 + -4])
print("mul ops ~p", [1 * 2 / 3 % 4])

For more details on operations described in this and the following sections see the Language Reference.

Comparison Operations

Like before, comparison operations are really similar to mainstream programming languages with a little difference:

R = 1 < 2 <= 3 == 4 is 5 != 6 isnt 7 >= 8 > 9
print("comp ops ~p", [R])

the little difference is that instead of === and !== we use is and isnt.

Boolean Operations

Without further ado, here are the boolean operations:

R = true and false or true xor false andd not true orr not false
print("bool ops ~p", [R])

A little note on some of them, you may have noticed two strange ones:

  • andd
  • orr

Those are available for erlang compatibility, andd is the non short circuit version of and and orr is the non short circuit version of or, this means that when used all the terms of the bool operation will be evaluated no matter if it wasn’t required.

Normally boolean operations in most programming languages are short circuited so you shouldn’t use andd/orr unless you know what you are doing or you want some erlang compatibility.

Binary Operations

Here are the binary operations:

R = ~1 & 2 ^ 3 | 4
print("bin ops ~p", [])

If you need them, then the syntax should be what you would expect, if you don’t know what they are for you can come back later when you need them or check the Language Reference

Data Types Overview

Until here we have seen most of the data types available in efene, let’s list them here:

  • Booleans: true, false
  • Integers: 1, 2, 42 etc.
  • Floats: 1.2, 3.1415 etc.
  • Atoms: ok, error, print, hi, some_atom
  • Strings
    • binary strings: ‘hi there’, ‘’
    • list strings: “hi there”, “”
  • Lists: [], [1, 2, 3]
  • Tuples: (), (1,), (1, 2)

Here we will cover two data types that are used for the same thing, holding key -> value pairs, you may call them objects, maps, dicts, hash maps, associative arrays depending on the language you use.

In efene there are two types that fulfill the same need, the new way, which is more flexible, and the old way, which you will need to know to understand erlang libraries and code.

The New Way: Maps

Maps are really similar to what you are used in other languages, you can put a key of any type and a value of any type and then get them by key, let’s see an example:

fn use_maps
        Account1 = {username: 'bob', password: 'secret', email: 'bob@gmail.com'}

        print("account1 ~p", [Account1])
        print("account1 username ~p email ~p", [maps.get(username, Account1),
                                                maps.get(email, Account1)])

        {username = Username, email = Email} = Account1
        Account2 = Account1#{email: 'bob@nickelodeon.com'}

        print("account1 username ~p email ~p", [Username, Email])

        print("account2 ~p", [Account2])
        print("account2 username ~p email ~p", [maps.get(username, Account2),
                                                maps.get(email, Account2)])

        Post = {title: "My Post"}
        print("post ~p", [Post])

As I said near the beginning of this article the syntax is almost like JSON, except that you can have any type as keys, not only strings.

To get a value from its key you can do it two ways, calling a function or with pattern matching.

In the example above we use both ways, first we use the function maps.get:2:

print("account1 username ~p email ~p", [maps.get(username, Account1),
                                        maps.get(email, Account1)])

Then we do pattern matching on the map to extract the same fields:

{username = Username, email = Email} = Account1

Like we saw before the = sign in efene means “match” not “assign”, this means that efene will try to make both sides match, if there are unbound variables it will bound them to the value on the right side so they match, if they are bound then they must match otherwise a bad match exception will occur.

Notice that we use = on maps to signify match and : to signify that we are assigning them, this is to make it explicit when we are matching and when we are assigning.

Finally to update a map by changing the content of one or more fields on a previous map we can do:

Account2 = Account1#{email: 'bob@nickelodeon.com'}

On the right side we write the name of the variable that contains the map we want to update, then the # sign and then the assignment of the fields we want to add or update.

The Old Way: Records

Maps are a relative new feature in the Erlang world, before them the only way to have something similar to objects/dicts/maps from other languages were records, let’s see the same example as before but with record:

@record(account) -> (username, password, email)
@record(post) -> (title is string(), content = "" is string(), author = "anonymous")

fn use_records
        Account1 = #r.account {username: 'bob', password: 'secret'}

        print("account1 ~p", [Account1])
        print("account1 username ~p email ~p", [#r.account.username Account1,
                                                #r.account.email Account1])

        #r.account {username: Username, email: Email} = Account1
        Account2 = #r.account Account1#{email: 'bob@nickelodeon.com'}

        print("account1 username ~p email ~p", [Username, Email])

        print("account2 ~p", [Account2])
        print("account2 username ~p email ~p", [#r.account.username Account2,
                                                #r.account.email Account2])

        UsernameIndex = #r.account username
        print("username field index is ~p", [UsernameIndex])

        Post = #r.post {title: "My Post"}
        print("post ~p", [Post])

First we need to declare the record, since it’s a “compile time trick” that the erlang compiler does, it needs to know the fields before hand to check and transform records to its underlying representation.

@record(account) -> (username, password, email)

Now that we declared our record we can create an instance of it:

Account1 = #r.account {username: 'bob', password: 'secret'}

It looks really similar to the map example except that the map is “tagged” with the record name.

To access the record fields we need a special syntax since record are transformed at compile time and all information about them is lost at run time.

This means for example that you can’t list the fields of a record at run time.

Here is how you access to a field in a record:

print("account1 username ~p email ~p", [#r.account.username Account1,
                                        #r.account.email Account1])

Like before you “tag” a variable with the name of the record and the name of the field.

To extract more than one field at a time you can use pattern matching:

#r.account {username: Username, email: Email} = Account1

Notice that in this case we also use : on the left side, this is because that’s how erlang handles it (it doesn’t make a distinction between assigning and matching for records as it does for maps).

To update a record again is similar to how you would do it with a map, you just “tag” the map update with the name of the record:

Account2 = #r.account Account1#{email: 'bob@nickelodeon.com'}

You may have noticed that the record declaration for the type post is a little bit different.

This is because in record declarations you can provide defaults and also annotate the types of the fields:

@record(post) -> (title is string(), content = "" is string(), author = "anonymous")

We will see more about types later, now about the defaults, if you don’t assign a value when creating a record and the field doesn’t have a default set its value will be the atom undefined, if that’s not what you want you can provide a better default like we did in the post record declaration.

Even some more Pattern Matching

We already saw how to pattern match on tuples, numbers, maps, records and whole lists, let’s see a little bit more about pattern matching on lists.

Lists in efene are of a particular type that allows for some useful operations on them, if you come from lisp/scheme/clojure you will know what a cons list is, if not here is a quick introduction.

Lists in efene are not like arrays in other languages which are a continuous chunk of memory with pointer to its items (you may call them vectors depending on the language).

In efene lists are what is normally known as cons lists, a list in efene is constructed by a structure that has two items, the first is called the head and the second is called the tail.

So, how do you build a list with that? well, you put the first item in the head and the rest in the tail.

So, what goes on the tail then? another pair, with the second item in the head and the rest in the tail

And so on recursively until the last item is an empty list to signal that there’s nothing else and that’s the end of the list.

Let’s see an example:

[One, Two, Three, Four] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print("items on the list are: ~p ~p ~p ~p", [One, Two, Three, Four])
print("the list is ~p", [[1, 2, 3, 4]])
print("the list is ~p", [1 :: 2 :: 3 :: []])

Head1 :: Tail1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
Head2 :: Tail2 = [1]
print("head ~p, tail ~p", [Head1, Tail1])
print("head ~p, tail ~p", [Head2, Tail2])

First we pattern match against a list of four items:

[One, Two, Three, Four] = [1, 2, 3, 4]

That’s simple and easy, but what happens if the list has 100 elements or we don’t know exactly how many elements it has?

Here’s where the list structure comes handy, we can match against the head and the rest:

Head1 :: Tail1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print("head ~p, tail ~p", [Head1, Tail1])

This will print:

head 1, tail [2,3,4]

We get the first value in the Head1 variable and the rest of the list in the Tail1 variable, notice that we use a special operator :: to express that we are not matching a list of two items like we would if we wrote [Head1, Tail1] but that we want to extract the head and tail of the list.

But what if the list has just one item?, let’s see:

Head2 :: Tail2 = [1]
print("head ~p, tail ~p", [Head2, Tail2])

This will print:

head 1, tail []

As I said above, the “marker” for the end of the list is an empty list, we could also match this list as [Head2] = [1] and it would have worked, but it wouldn’t match if the list has more than one item.

More about Tagging

In the section about records we saw that there’s a way to tag values to tell the compiler to treat them differently, here we will see other uses of tagged values:

fn tagged_values
        print("the code for character C is ~p", [#c "C"])

        Hello1 = "hello"
        Hello2 = [#c "h", #c "e", #c "l", #c "l", #c "o"]
        Hello3 = #c "h" :: #c "e" :: #c "l" :: #c "l" :: #c "o" :: []

        print("this three strings are equivalent ~p ~p ~p", [Hello1, Hello2, Hello3])

        print("this two atoms are equivalent ~p ~p", [#atom "an atom", `an atom`])
        print("this print is at line ~p in module ~p in function ~p/~p", [#i line, #i module, #i function_name, #i function_arity])

Let’s see them line by line:

print("the code for character C is ~p", [#c "C"])

The #c tag is used to convert a string of one character into the integer representing that character, as we said before list strings in efene are simply lists of characters, and we also said that lists are simple nested pairs, let’s reinforce that with the following example:

Hello1 = "hello"
Hello2 = [#c "h", #c "e", #c "l", #c "l", #c "o"]
Hello3 = #c "h" :: #c "e" :: #c "l" :: #c "l" :: #c "o" :: []

print("this three strings are equivalent ~p ~p ~p", [Hello1, Hello2, Hello3])

As you can see the string syntax and the list syntax are just a convenience to write nested pairs, the three are the same from the language perspective.

Let’s continue with the following line:

print("this two atoms are equivalent ~p ~p", [#atom "an atom", `an atom`])

If you wanted to know how to express an atom with spaces or with weird symbols, there you have the answer.

You can tag a string with the #atom tag and the compiler will convert it into an atom or you can use back ticks if you prefer a more “native” syntax.

And lastly, something that may be useful to help you print diagnostic messages and find problems easier:

print("this print is at line ~p in module ~p in function ~p/~p", [#i line, #i module, #i function_name, #i function_arity])

if you tag the atoms line and module with the #i tag they will be converted at compile time to the current line as a number and to the module name as an atom respectively.

Finally, the code above will print something like the following:

the code for character C is 67
this three strings are equivalent "hello" "hello" "hello"
this two atoms are equivalent 'an atom' 'an atom'
this print is at line 307 in module reference

of course the line and module will change depending on where they were in your code.

Tagged values and tagged expressions are two of the ways erlang provides to extend the language in the future without changing or complicating its syntax, this will be available after 1.0 as compiler plugins so that developers can write their own tag handlers that will be used at compile time to be transformed into something else.

Blocks of Code as Values

If for some reason we need to have more than one line of code in a place where only a value is expected we can use a little known feature of erlang which of course as its efene counterpart, the begin ... end block:

io.format("block result: ~p", [begin
                     A = 8
                     B = 0
                     divide_two(A, B)

Instead of providing a variable or a simple function call we wanted to do three operations, if that’s what’s required then what you need is a begin ... end block.

It’s not something you need every day but here it’s documented for completeness.

Sending and Receiving Messages

If you came to efene it may be because you heard that the erlang VM supports cheap processes and message passing, here we will cover them, let’s see an example:

fn receive_and_print
        Pid = self()
            case ping:
                 print("~p received ping", [Pid])
            case Other:
                 print("~p received something else: ~p", [Pid, Other])
        after 1000:
              print("Nothing received after 1000ms")

fn spawn_receive
        OuterPid = self()
        spawn(fn case:
              SpawnPid = self()
              print("Process ~p sending to ~p", [SpawnPid, OuterPid])
              OuterPid ! ping



We define two functions, receive_and_print which will wait for a message and print something depending on what it got and spawn_receive, which will spawn a new process that will interact with the current process we are running.

Let’s see it line by line, first we get the process id (pid) of the current process by calling the builtin function erlang.self:0:

OuterPid = self()

Then we spawn a new process by calling the builtin function erlang.spawn:1:

spawn(fn case:
      SpawnPid = self()
      print("Process ~p sending to ~p", [SpawnPid, OuterPid])
      OuterPid ! ping

We pass one argument to spawn, which is an anonymous function that takes no arguments, in it’s body it gets its process id, then prints a message and finally it sends the ping atom as a message to the process identified by the process id stored in the variable OuterPid by using the ! operator.



Then we call receive_and_print twice, the output of running this code will be something like:

Process <0.81.0> sending to <0.44.0>
<0.44.0> received ping
Nothing received after 1000ms

The printed process ids will probably differ on your machine.

Now let’s analyze the receive_and_print function, first we get the pid of the current process:

Pid = self()

Then we use the receive expression to receive messages:

    case ping:
         print("~p received ping", [Pid])
    case Other:
         print("~p received something else: ~p", [Pid, Other])
after 1000:
      print("Nothing received after 1000ms")

The syntax should be already familiar, it starts with the receive keyword and continues with zero or more case clauses, optionally an after section that specifies the amount of milliseconds to wait for a message to arrive, if no message arrives then the after body will be executed.

In the case clauses we pattern match against the ping atom to display a specific message and then we match against anything to display a “catch all message”, if no message is received after a second we give up and print a message.

That’s why we call it two times even when we spawned one process that sent one message.

The first time it will receive a message and match against ping, but the second time it will timeout and print the timeout message.

If you read carefully you will notice I said “with zero or more case clauses”, when I described the receive expression, it wasn’t an error, you can have zero case clauses, here is a useful example of that:

fn sleep
    case TimeMs:
         print("sleeping ~pms", [TimeMs])

         after TimeMs:

The sleep function will print a message and sleep for the specified amount of milliseconds, then return ok.

Like any other expression, the receive expression will return the last value evaluated on the case clause it matches or in the after section.

Adding some Types

At some point you may want to add some types to your code, for documentation purposes or to help tools like dialyzer spot bugs for you, efene as usual provides the same features as erlang to add types to your code, let’s see an example:

@type(result(E, V)) -> (error, E) or (ok, V)
@type(division_error()) -> result(division_by_zero, number())

fn divide_two_typed
    @spec(number(), number()) -> division_error()
    case _A, 0: (error, division_by_zero)
    case A, B: (ok, A / B)

First we declare a new generic type called result which receives two arguments, this means you can “parameterize” the type providing your own types to it.

The result type is defined as either a two item tuple with the first item being the atom error and the second item being the type passed as first argument to the result type or a two item tuple containing the ok atom as first item and the second item being the type passed as second argument to the result type.

After the result type declaration we declare another type called division_error, which doesn’t receive arguments and is defined as the result type where the error type can be the atom division_by_zero and the value type can be any number.

Notice that types are like function calls, a bare atom is just the atom value.

Then we define our divide_two_typed function and after the name we add a function annotation @spec that is used to provide a type specification for the function, there we define that the function receives two arguments of type number and returns a value that satisfies the division_error type.

For more details on the syntax see the Language Reference.

For more details on types see Erlang’s Types and Function Specifications documentation about it.