Templates ========= Providing a simple "getting started" experience is part of the efene project, for this we focus on documentation, support, error messages but also on templates so you can get started quickly using the best practices from the community. For this, efene mantains official rebar3 templates that you can use to create a wide variety of projects, here we will give a brief description of each, what they're for and how to install and use them. Initial Setup Common to All Templates ------------------------------------- First of all you need a recent version of rebar3 installed in your $PATH, for instruction on how to install rebar3 please read `rebar3's getting started page `_. Then you need the root template folder available to install the templates, to do this run:: mkdir -p ~/.config/rebar3/templates Escript Template ---------------- This templates allows the creation of an `escript `_ project. Escripts are runnable erlang programs that are packed in a single file, to run them you need erlang installed in your system. Install ....... :: git clone https://github.com/efene/rebar3_efene_template_escript.git ~/.config/rebar3/templates/fn_escript Use ... :: rebar3 new fn_escript name=myscript cd myscript rebar3 escriptize Now you have your script at `_build/default/bin/myscript`, you can put it on your path to use it, let's test it:: $ ./_build/default/bin/myscript Args: [] $ ./_build/default/bin/myscript foo bar Args: ["foo","bar"] Library Template ---------------- Install ....... :: git clone https://github.com/marianoguerra/rebar3_efene_template_lib.git ~/.config/rebar3/templates/fn_lib Use ... :: rebar3 new fn_lib name=mylib cd mylib rebar3 compile rebar3 ct Try ... :: $ rebar3 efene shell Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false] efene shell (call q() to quit, help() for help, Ctrl+g for Job Control Mode) >>> mylib.add(2, 3) 5 >>> q() Bye! OTP Application Template ------------------------ Install ....... :: git clone https://github.com/efene/rebar3_efene_template_app.git ~/.config/rebar3/templates/fn_app Use ... :: rebar3 new fn_app name=myapp cd myapp rebar3 compile rebar3 ct Try ... :: $ rebar3 efene shell /home/mariano/tmp/myapp/_build/default/plugins/efene/fnshell -pz /home/mariano/tmp/myapp/_build/default/lib/*/ebin/ Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [kernel-poll:false] efene shell (call q() to quit, help() for help, Ctrl+g for Job Control Mode) >>> myapp_util.add(2, 3) 5 >>> q() Bye! OTP Release Template -------------------- Install ....... :: git clone https://github.com/efene/rebar3_efene_template_rel.git ~/.config/rebar3/templates/fn_rel Use ... :: rebar3 new fn_rel name=myrel cd myrel rebar3 release Try ... :: $ make console ... Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.0] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:30] [kernel-poll:true] 22:29:17.141 [info] starting myrel 22:29:17.141 [info] Application lager started on node 'myrel@' 22:29:17.141 [info] Application myrel started on node 'myrel@' ... 22:29:17.156 [info] Application sasl started on node 'myrel@' Eshell V7.0 (abort with ^G) (myrel@> q(). ok